Ricky on his first flight to the beach – or anywhere for that matter!
(Originally posted a few years back when Southern Express had flights out of Olive Branch. They don’t anymore – nor do they fly into PCB. They do, however, fly from Memphis to Destin, so…pretty much the same thing.)
I’ve previously posted about the “fastest routes to the beach“, but the new flight from Olive Branch (our primary residence – a suburb of Memphis) to PCB trumps any shortcuts my husband has found: his fastest 6:45 drive time is a tortoise’s pace compared to the 2:15 flight from OB to PCB.
Yes, you read that correctly: 2 hours. 15 minutes. And you’re there. (more…)
Everyone has their “fastest” directions.
Jane: “Jeanne, did you hear Mary is headed to the beach next week?”
Me: (whipping my head around, wondering if Mary has a secret route that will shave another 10 minutes off drive time) “Which way do you go? Do you do 55 to Jackson to 49 to Hattiesburg to 98 to Mobile and on up the beach? Or do you do old school 78 to Tupelo to 45 to 98? Or do you go through Alabama? If so, do you go through to Dothan and cut back or do you take 167 from Troy and did you know we found a REALLY cool shortcut through Montgomery and you can even stay on 65 all the way to Georgianna and get off at exit 114 and then cut back on 55 to 331? Wait, what beach are you going to again?”
Mary: (blank stare, thinking “who IS this person?”)
Ok, so maybe not everyone has this type of passion for the most direct route from anywhere in the southern world to the beach – but when you make the trip as often as we do, it becomes quite significant (plus my husband is convinced he must beat his best time, everytime). It’s self preservation on my part to constantly look for new roads and improved routes and share this knowledge with him so that he does not feel compelled to show me just how fast the camaro will actually get us there. (more…)
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