There are few pleasures in life as simple and perfect as hitting the beach at 10 am and not leaving. Not leaving to cook, not leaving to wash clothes, not leaving to go out to eat. Not leaving even when the sun goes down.
While hitting all the seafood restaurants is one of the perks of being on vacation, eating ON the beach (thus ensuring you don’t have to miss a wave or sunset or favorite song or some random spontaneous conversation) is a real treat – and one that too many folks overlook.
I have to give credit to Stan for this one. Getting me off the beach is a pretty difficult task. So one day, several years ago, my lovely husband (who loves the beach, but the fisherman in him also loves hitting the docks in the afternoon to see the local catch) took off for an hour or so and headed to the marina. What he brought back started a whole new tradition for us. (more…)

Spinach, Blue Cheese and Tomato Omelet (with added portobella mushrooms) – In the winter, I’m more apt to actually go to breakfast since the ocean tractor beam pulling me down to the beach needs a few extra hours to warm up…..
My husband is a breakfast person. His father is the quintessential breakfast person (so my husband got it honest). Eggs, biscuits and gravy, maybe a pancake and some bacon?
But when I’m at the beach, literally the last thing I really want to do is spend 3 hours in the kitchen cooking breakfast (there are exceptions – if there is someone else that wants to cook with me then it can be a fun way to start the day).
Usually that’s not the case, though.
A typical beach morning goes like this: (more…)

Everyone knows Stan and I love company when we’re at the beach. Even before purchasing the condo we’d head down several times a summer – and invite folks with us every time.
We also were known to crash other people’s vacations. Sure, folks may have just been trying to be polite when saying we were welcome to come (as we stared intently at them upon hearing of their impending beach vacation…hawkish stares perhaps even), but we carefully hid any cognizance of such pomp.
We were the ones that would actually show up. (more…)

Grits à Ya Ya at the Great Southern Cafe
Besides being located smack dab center in the midst of all the goodness that is Seaside, Great Southern Cafe boasts a fabulous breakfast, lunch, and dinner menu (and we found they also offer a late brunch – at least on Sundays anyway – if you miss breakfast). But you don’t have to worry about whether it’s breakfast, lunch or dinner to get their signature dish (and one of my all time beach fare favs): (more…)
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